(SAPPORO, JAPAN 4 July 2008)—Senior leaders of different faiths from Religions for Peace, the world’s largest and most representative multi-religious coalition, called on the Group of 8 (G8) governments to take bold action to address violent conflict and climate change
The leaders were among the 100 who gathered for the “World Religious Leaders Summit for Peace” in advance of the G8 meeting in Hokkaido, Japan, held on 2–3 July 2008 at the Sapporo Convention Center. The senior religious leaders represented the world’s major faith traditions, including Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, Judaism, Islam, Shintoism and Zoroastrianism.
“We are united in our call to the G8 to take bold action to address the threats that confront humanity, including the destruction of the environment and climate change, extreme global poverty and deteriorating food security, nuclear arms, terrorism and violent conflict. Addressing these threats requires urgent action by the G8,” the religious leaders said in a statement.
The role of the media in conflict and reconciliation came to the fore with the infamous Radio Mille Collines incitement to genocide in Rwanda and with a highly mediatised process of Truth and Reconciliation in post-Apartheid South Africa. This issue highlights the growing recognition of the role of the media in conflict and reconciliation. We look at reconciliation in Australia, the efforts of a TV station in Lebanon, and the first Deutsche Welle Forum on "Media in Peace building and Conflict Prevention" and other stories.
L'influence des médias dans les conflits et le processus de réconciliation a été mis en évidence par le rôle de la tristement célèbre Radio Mille Collines dans le génocide au Rwanda, et par le processus hautement médiatisé de Vérité et Réconciliation dans l'Afrique du Sud post-apartheid. Ce numéro le montre, le rôle des médias dans les conflits et le processus de réconciliation suscite un intérêt croissant. Nous y parlons de réconciliation en Australie, de diversité culturelle au Liban, du premier Forum mondial consacré au rôle des médias dans le processus de paix et la prévention des conflits, entre autres.
El rol de los medios en los conflictos y las reconciliaciones se puso sobre el tapete cuando la infame Radio mille Collines incitó al genocidio en Ruanda y con el proceso, altamente mediatizado, de Verdad y reconciliación en la Sudáfrica del post Apartheid. Este número resalta el creciente reconocimiento del papel que tienen los medios frente al conflicto y la reconciliación. Ponemos la mirada en el proceso de reconciliación en Australia, los esfuerzos de un canal de TV en Líbano, y el primer Foro de la Deutsche Welle sobre "Medios para la construcción de la paz y la prevención de conflictos" y otras notas.
Communiqué de presse SIGNIS : Déclaration à la Conférence sur la sécurité alimentaire mondiale : les défis du changement climatique et de la bioénergie
Bruxelles, 30 mai 2008 (SIGNIS) – Des organisations d’inspiration chrétienne et d’autres organisations confessionnelles ont publié une déclaration appelant à une « gestion responsable de toute la création » adressée à la prochaine Conférence sur la sécurité alimentaire mondiale : les défis du changement climatique et de la bioénergie, Rome, 3-5 juin 2008. SIGNIS tient à s’associer à cette initiative en faveur d’une Culture de Paix et d’un développement durable dans lequel les ressources naturelles sont partagées au bénéfice de tous. C’est pourquoi nous sommes heureux de vous envoyer le communiqué de presse ci-dessous. Vous pouvez, si vous le souhaitez, la faire suivre à vos propres contacts.
Déclaration des organisations d’inspiration chrétienne et autres organisations confessionnelles à la ‘Conférence de haut niveau sur la sécurité alimentaire mondiale : les défis du changement climatique et de la bioénergie’, Rome, 3-5 juin 2008
Plus de 250 organisations confessionnelles invitent la conférence à lancer un processus de discussion et d'action à long terme basé sur des valeurs spirituelles fondamentales, impliquant plusieurs protagonistes, aux niveaux national, régional et international dans lequel la société civile, y compris des organismes confessionnels, jouera pleinement rôle.
Diffusé en anglais, français, espagnol, portugais et italien, cette déclaration a été envoyée à toutes les délégations et soumise au forum CSO/NGO du 03 juin. Au nombre des signataires de cette déclaration (La déclaration et la liste des signataires est disponible sur le site internet, figurent des ONG et des ordres religieux de l’Église catholique romaine - dont certains ont le statut consultatif auprès du Conseil Économique et social des Nations Unies -, des églises membres de la communion anglicane, ainsi que des réseaux oecuméniques de solidarité. La liste des signatures reste ouverte sur le site: et sera mise à jour quotidiennement.
La déclaration commence avec un message spirituel : « Toute tradition religieuse invite à la fois à nourrir l'affamé et à prendre soin de notre environnement ainsi que de ses innombrables formes de vie. En tant que croyants, nous reconnaissons sans réserve l'impératif moral de changer notre style de vie de manière à la rendre conforme à la capacité de la terre à la porter ainsi qu’à la protection du climat. Nous reconnaissons également le besoin de nous assurer que les politiques décidées par nos élus et les organisations internationales compétentes contribuent à l’amélioration de la qualité de vie de toute personne humaine, créée à l’image et à la ressemblance de Dieu, ainsi qu’à la durabilité des écosystèmes dont dépend toute créature vivante. Nous croyons que les défis à relever au cours de cette conférence constituent grande opportunité pour construire une nouvelle société humaine, enracinée dans notre affectueux attachement à une gestion responsable de toute la création. »
Ensuite, la déclaration aborde les principales questions de la conférence: les droits de l’Homme, les changements climatiques, les produits transgéniques, le droit à l’alimentation, le renforcement des capacités des femmes et des communautés, les biocarburants, le transport, l’agriculture et le développement rural durables, l’éducation, les politiques : cohérence et mise en œuvre, ainsi que la société civile.
« Nous conseillons la prudence à l’égard des solutions à court terme. Une attention claire, respectueuse de l'intégrité de la création et basée sur une approche multi-options, doit être portée à l’élimination de la pauvreté et des structures sociales injustes, causes premières de la faim. »
Au sujet des stratégies futures sur le changement climatique, nous « ne pouvons pas accepter des propositions impliquant d’éventuelles expulsions d’au moins un milliards de petits producteurs agricoles des pays en voie de développement vers les villes, laissant la future production essentiellement entre les mains des grandes entreprises agro-industrielles. »
Les signataires déclarent leur solide soutien au rôle clé des petits producteurs agricoles et la nécessité de leur liberté à échanger entre eux semences et innovations. Les signataires plaident aussi en faveur des politiques basées sur le droit à l’alimentation, tout en lançant un avertissement sur la nécessité d’adopter fermement le principe de précaution à l’égard tant des biotechnologies transgéniques que des futurs développements sur les bio-carburants.
Contacts Vous contactez sur le site : et pour des informations supplémentaires ou interviews :
On-site and contacts for further information/interviews:
SIGNIS Press Release: Statement to the Conference on World Food Security and the Challenges of Climate Change and Bioenergy
Brussels, May 30, 2008 (SIGNIS) – Christian inspired and other faith-based organizations have issued a statement calling for “responsible stewardship of all Creation” in anticipation of the upcoming Conference on World Food Security and the Challenges of Climate Change and Bioenergy, Rome, 3-5 June 2008. SIGNIS is a strong supporter of this initiative that aims to build a Culture of Peace and a sustainable world where natural resources are shared for the benefit of all. That is why we are happy to share with you the following press release. Please spread it to your own contacts.
Statement by Christian inspired and other faith-based organizations, to the „High-Level Conference on World Food Security and the Challenges of Climate Change and Bioenergy‟, Rome, 3-5 June 2008
Over 250 faith-based organisations are calling on the Conference to launch an effective, long-term multi-stakeholder process of discussion and action, at national, regional and international levels - based on fundamental spiritual values - in which civil society, including faith organizations, will play a full role.
Published in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian the statement has been circulated to all delegations and submitted to the CSO/NGO Forum of 3 June. The signatory organisations (list posted at with statement texts at includes Roman Catholic religious orders and NGOs, a number.of them with Consultative Status at the UN Economic and Social Council, churches members of the Anglican Communion, ecumenical inter-church aid networks. The signatory list remains open and its web edition updated daily.
The statement starts with a spiritual message: “Every faith tradition invites us both to feed the hungry and care for our environment and its myriad life forms. As people of faith, we recognize the moral imperative without exception to change our lifestyle in keeping with the carrying capacity of the earth and the protection of its climate. We also recognize the need to ensure that policies enacted by elected representatives and relevant international organizations contribute to an improved quality of life for every human person, each made in the image and likeness of God, and to the sustainability of ecosystems on which every living creature depends.We believe that the challenges to be addressed at this conference present a huge opportunity to build a new human society, rooted in our loving reverence for and responsible stewardship of all Creation.”
The statement then addresses key issues relating to the conference: human rights, climate change, transgenics, right to food, empowerment of communities and women, biofuels, transport, sustainable agriculture and rural development, education, policies: coherence and implementation, civil society participation.
“We advise caution against „short-term‟ solutions. A clear focus, respecting the integrity of creation, must be kept on eliminating poverty and unjust social structures, the root causes of hunger, through a multiple options approach.”
On future strategies for climate change the statement says “We cannot accept proposals involving the eventual removal of at least one billion small farmers in developing countries to towns, leaving future food production predominantly in the hands of large agro-industrial enterprises.”
Signatories declare their strong support for the key role of small farmers and their need to be free the exchange seeds and innovations amongst each other. Signatories also advocate policies based on the right to food, food sovereignty, while warning of the need for a highly precautionary approach to transgenics-based biotechnology as well as to the further development of biofuels. |
04 2008
News and Concepts…website inserts
- Statement by H.E. Archbishop Celestino Migliore, Apostolic Nuncio, Permanent Observer of the Holy See, at the 41st session of the Commission on Population and Development. New York, 9 April 2008. (PDF 13KB).
- A Right to Family Reunification- a presentation by ICMC's Secretary General to the XVIII Plenary Session in Rome, Italy. May 14, 2008.
*French Version *Related article: "Communion, Solidarity and Mission: Response to the Breakup of the Family of Migrants and Itinerant Peoples" May 16, 2008 by Archbishop Orlando-Secretary General of the Federation of Asian Bishops' Conferences.
- A Call for the Development of Humanitarian Standards of Response to Migrant Victims of Violence & Trauma- Regardless of their legal status, men, women, and children are falling victim to violence or trauma while crossing borders, being stabbed, shot, starved or thirsted to near-death, raped, injected with drugs, doused with chemicals, abandoned en route or thrown over board to drown. Find out more about the work of ICMC to improve the situation of these people. April 2008.
- Iraqi Refugees in Syria- A Report by Dr. Maryanne Loughry and Dr. Julianne Duncan of the ICMC-USCCB Mission to Assess the Protection Needs of Iraqi Refugees in Syria (PDF 376KB).
- ICMC writes and presents statement on behalf of all NGOs to UNHCR Standing Committee regarding protection and humanitarian care for boat people and other migrants injured or tramatized crossing borders. March 5, 2008.
- ICMC and Other NGOs call on the EU and EU member states to step up support to the displaced of Iraq. (PDF 48KB) March 19, 2008.
*Press Release (PDF 18KB).
From ICMC Members and the Regions…
- Mr. Marc Aellen has been appointed Head of Communications at ICMC's Secretariat as of May 1st. We are thrilled to welcome him into our Communications Department. Mr. Aellen has large expertise in media and also in the Church's presence worldwide. He will also contribute to enhancing ICMC's relationship with its members and partners.
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ICMC serves and protects uprooted people: refugees, internally displaced persons and migrants regardless of faith, race, ethnicity or nationality. We advocate for rights-based policies and durable solutions through a worldwide network of member organizations. |
La réaction du CCMF et de la FEAMC au Projet de résolution "Accès à un avortement sans risque et légal en Europe", qui doit être discuté à l'Assemblée Parlementaire du Conseil de l'Europe, à Strasbourg, le 16 avril.
Les médecins de la Fédération Européenne des Associations de Médecins Catholiques (FEAMC), et du Centre Catholique des Médecins Français (CCMF), ayant pris connaissance du projet de résolution intitulé "Accès à un avortement sans risque et légal en Europe", qui doit être discuté à l'Assemblée Parlementaire du Conseil de l'Europe le 16 avril, • approuvent la 1ère phrase de l'Article 1, qui "réaffirme que l’avortement ne peut en aucun cas être considéré comme un moyen de planification familiale", et qu'il doit être évité. • considèrent que l'éducation des jeunes à la sexualité doit les orienter vers une attitude responsable; toute banalisation de la sexualité risque d'augmenter le nombre de grossesses non désirées et d'avortements; • rappellent - que le "respect de la vie" est "la notion élémentaire et universelle de l'éthique"(1), - que le foetus, issu de deux êtres humains, n'est pas à proprement parler un élément du corps de la femme, dont le rôle est de le porter en assurant sa protection, - et que son élimination ne saurait être un "droit"; • considèrent que l'affirmation du "droit à l'avortement" risque de banaliser les demandes d'avortement, allant à l'encontre du but recherché à l'article 1; • considèrent que l'aide aux femmes enceintes en difficulté ne saurait se réduire à la seule proposition d'un avortement; • affirment que la liberté de conscience des médecins, et des étudiant en médecine, est un droit fondamental et inaliénable; • en conséquence, demandent instamment aux députés à l'Assemblée Parlementaire du Conseil de l'Europe de bien vouloir s'opposer à ce texte, dont les effets risquent d'être plus pervers qu'utiles Dr Bertrand Galichon, président du CCMF
Pr Josef Marek, Président de la FEAMC
(1) Albert Schweitzer, Ma vie et ma pensée, Albin Michel 1961
The reaction of CCMF and FEAMC to the draft resolution "Access to safe and legal abortion in Europe", due to be discussed at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of the Europe, in Strasbourg, on April 16.
The physicians of the European Federation of Catholic Medical Associations (FEAMC), having read the draft resolution entitled "Access to safe and legal abortion in Europe", due to be discussed at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of the Europe on April 16, make the following comments. We • approve the 1st sentence of Article 1, which "reaffirms that abortion can in no way be considered as a means of family planning," and that it must be avoided. • consider that the sex education of young people should steer them towards a responsible attitude; any trivialization of sexuality may increase the risk of unwanted pregnancies and abortions; • recall - that the "reverence for life" is "the elementary and universal concept of ethics" (1), - that the fetus, coming from two human beings, is not strictly speaking part of the female body, whose role is to carry it and ensure its protection, - and that its elimination cannot be a "right" ; • consider that the assertion of the "right to abortion" risks to trivialize the requests for abortion, and goes against the objective sought in Article 1; • consider that support to pregnant women in difficulty should not be reduced just to the consideration of abortion; • claim that the freedom of conscience of physicians, and medical students, is a fundamental and inalienable right. Therefore, we urge the deputies of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, to reject the document because the harmful effects outweigh the benefits. Pr Josef Marek, President of FEAMC
(1) Albert Schweitzer, Out of my Life and Thought, Henry Holt, New York 1990
Article presented by Dr. J.Mª. Simón Castellví, President of the FIAMC in response to the year of the 40th anniversary of the encyclical "Humanae Vitae" and The Lancet ( ) and different mass media editorial calling for oral contraceptives to be made more widely available to women "over the counter" following a study showing their protective use against ovarian cancer.
Oral Contraceptives & the Risk of Cancer
September 18, 2005
The International Agency for Research on Cancer, the Lyon-based cancer research agency of the World Health Organization, in its press release of the 29th of July 2005, informed of the publication of a monograph on the possible carcinogenicity [of] combined estrogen-progestogen oral contraceptives and combined estrogen-progestogen menopausal therapy, based on the conclusions of an international ad hoc working group of 21 scientists from 8 countries.
Previously, combined oral contraceptives had been determined to be carcinogenic to humans, but only primary liver cancer was specifically implicated. The Working Group, after a thorough review of the published scientific evidence, concluded that combined oral contraceptives alter the risk of several common cancers in women.
Estrogen-progestogen oral contraceptives were classified in the Group 1 of carcinogenic agents. This category is used when there is sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in humans.
These conclusions are of enormous public health importance, since it is estimated that worldwide, more than 100 million women -- about 10% of all women of reproductive age -- currently use combined hormonal contraceptives. In addition, there has been widespread use of hormonal menopausal therapy: approximately 20 million women in developed countries.
For all these women, the message is that the use of oral contraceptives increases the risk of breast, cervix and liver cancer. On the contrary, the risks of endometrial and ovarian cancer are decreased in women who used combined oral contraceptives.
Regarding combined estrogen-progestogen menopausal therapy, WHO warns that it increases the risk of breast cancer and endometrial cancer (at least when progestogens are taken fewer than 10 days per month) and that there is not sufficient evidence to conclude that hormonal therapy has a protective effect at any cancer site.
The WHO experts call to a rigorous analysis to demonstrate what can be, at the end, the overall net public health outcome of the use of oral contraceptives. In addition, each woman who uses these products is now invited by WHO to discuss the overall risks and benefits with her doctor, taking into consideration her personal circumstances and family history of cancer and other diseases.
FIAMC invites all health care providers to attentively consider the results of the WHO study, which sheds new light on the prophetical value of Paul VI's "Humanae Vitae" and of John Paul II's "Evangelium Vitae" encyclicals, and encourages Catholic doctors to spread the methods for natural family planning also in Western affluent societies.
Gian Luigi Gigli, MD President FIAMC